I've been craving a few hours with some of the spectacular daffodils, but at the tail end of their season, I found a thick garden of tulips on the Milford Green.
My lesson of the day when it comes to finding a location to sit and draw a while, especially when slow moving and on crutches... Scout out bathroom options first. Its definitely not favorable to pack up, get in the car and drive around, only to settle on a pee break behind a closed mechanics garage with my car as interference. And besides the obvious frustration, this charade completely interrupts my creative flow.
I like the picture to the left far better than the finished piece. In any given drawing, there is a line that crosses into the land of overworked. I blasted past this line and made it all the way to messy-and-confusing-ville. One can never really know where the line is without coming up short or blowing past it... creative bracketing, indeed. Chalk (pastel?) it up to another for the portfolio and the second of thirty-one.
Michael Shapcott has his portrait a day for 365 days. Alecia Faustini has her sketch a day for 31 days. Two things I look forward to. A lot.