Wednesday, May 1, 2013

May Day, mayday!

A new month and the first day of this experiment of mine to save my sanity and stay productive. While this will be the first month since teenage years that I will not log a single mile of running, it will also be the first time since art school that I make a consistent effort in developing my art... Not in the form of a silicone prosthetic hand, a gift for a loved one or a t-shirt for a road race. Go figure, not a coincidence either. This past weekend a wise old man of nine years remarked how lucky I am to be passionate about my artwork when I can't rely on running as an outlet.

Getting going on my first project was a bit daunting. I almost emptied my gas tank to find just the right location and hiked around the orange community center on crutches with no inspiration. Frustrated, I hopped back in the car and landed at the cornfields near my parents house.

I wind down a perfectly warm sunny afternoon sitting on green grass and dandelions. Pastels are really the only tools in my bag that I can even think about capturing this scene with. Fairly new with them, I realise why I never liked using pastels. I don't think I was ever patient enough with them. Tonight I took my time layering colors before detail until I couldn't stand the chill of the air or the absence of workable light.


  1. Awesome project, great artist, and a beautiful girl!
    I could not be prouder. Can't wait to see more!

  2. This is a wonderful idea. Good luck with it Alecia. I look forward to May 2 and 3 and and and.

    1. Thanks so much! Its really inspiring to know that people (runners especially :) ) will get to see my work!

  3. Wow! Good luck and congratulations on a great idea.

  4. Thanks Lydia! Ill have to place myself on the course one of these nights to wave to everyone!
